About us
Greeting to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I am Evg. Joju John from Jammu&Kashmir. I was born and brought up in a christian family. Ever since my birth I was fortunate to have been brought up in a spiritual atmosphere. In my childhood I had an ambition to work in north India as a missionary. After my elementary education I went to a Bible college and after completing the course I went to Punjab for a one year training. After having completed the training I planned to work in my native place. But by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, I along with my family reached Jammu on 12 March 2012 from Kerala. In the initial days we had to face alot of problems to survive. But during the tests and trials God enabled us to overcome all of them. God has brought us so far by His powerful hands.
Indeed it’s been a great privilege to serve God in North India especially in Jammu&kashmir, where the majority of the population is Muslims. The general statistics of the total 22 districts of Jammu: 67% of the population is Muslims, 30% is Hindus, 2% is Sikhs and the rest consists Buddhists and Christians. The totel population of the state is one and half crore and the official languages are Urdu and Kashmiri. The major people group is Dogra and they speak Dogri. As an Evangelist it’s my vision and great desire to have spirit filled believers who are active in faith and who promote the gospel work. Presently I havebeen concentrating in a border town named Jakh. surrounded by 15 villages where in we have already started children’s ministry and small prayer groups.
I have my wife and two baby girls in my family. My elder daughter is studying in 5th standard and younger UKG. Now we are staying in a rented house. We are planning to go ahead with Church planting, youth ministry, film ministry etc. Inorder to find some easier ways for the ministry we have a plan to undertake some social works also. For that we need our own place and building . Which will be very helpful in getting a way opened in this border village for expanding the work. We expect your valuable prayers and financial support for the same. Presently we pay as rent Rs 4500/- for house and worship centre, every month . Apart from that my daughter’s monthly school fees, and other day to day expenses are a heavy burden for us. We praying for a Land for the church building. We will be highly grateful to you for any amount of help extended to us. Thankyou